Global Harvest Theological Institute 이용약관

일반 정책, 이용 약관

1. 이용약관 동의

Global Harvest Bible Institute(이하 "학교")에 등록함으로써 학생은 다음 이용 약관을 준수하고 이에 구속된다는 데 동의합니다.

2. 교육적, 종교적 목적

학교는 기독교 신앙에 헌신하는 지도자와 종을 양성하는 목적으로 종교적, 성경적 성격의 교육을 제공합니다. 학습 프로그램의 내용은 학교의 성경 해석과 교육을 기반으로 합니다.


학생은 학교가 교육 프로그램 참여로 인한 특정 결과를 보장하지 않는다는 점을 인정합니다. 학교는 제공된 교육의 데이터 손실, 중단 또는 오류를 포함한 모든 손실, 손상 또는 피해에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.

4. 개인정보의 비밀유지 및 이용

학교는 학생 개인정보의 프라이버시와 기밀성을 보호하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 학생이 제공한 정보는 학교 참여와 관련된 교육 및 행정 목적으로만 사용됩니다.

5. 교육 프로그램의 변화

학교는 사전 통지 없이 내용, 일정, 교사 및 교수 방법의 변경을 포함하여 교육 프로그램을 수정할 권리를 보유합니다. 그러한 변경으로 인해 학생은 클레임을 제기하지 않습니다.

6 . 학생 행동

학생은 교사, 행정관 및 기타 학생에 대해 적절하고 존중하는 행동을 유지해야 합니다. 학교는 부적절한 행위의 경우 정학 또는 퇴학을 포함한 징계 조치를 취할 권리가 있습니다.

7. 지적 재산권

학교에서 제공하는 교육 자료는 저작권으로 보호되며 학생의 개인적, 비상업적 용도로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 해당 자료의 무단 복제, 배포 또는 공개는 금지됩니다.

8. 법적 권리 포기

학교에 등록함으로써 학생은 부주의, 계약 위반 또는 손해를 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않는 어떤 이유로든 학교, 이사, 교사 및 직원을 상대로 소송, 청구 또는 법적 조치를 제기할 권리를 명시적으로 포기합니다.

9. 준거법 및 관할권

본 이용 약관은 미국 네바다주 법률의 적용을 받으며 이에 따라 구성됩니다. 본 이용 약관과 관련하여 발생하는 모든 분쟁은 네바다주 클라크 카운티 법원의 전속 관할권을 갖습니다.

Global Harvest Theological Institute 입학 정책 

Global Harvest Theological Institute(이하 "학교")는 학교의 가치, 목표 및 표준이 일관되게 유지되도록 선택적 입학 절차를 적용할 권리를 보유합니다. 지원자가 최소 입학 요건을 충족하더라도 학교는 다양한 추가 기준에 따라 입학을 거부할 권리를 보유합니다. 입학 지원서를 제출할 때 모든 지원자는 다음 사항을 이해하고 동의해야 합니다.

1. 가치와 사명:

학교는 기독교 원칙과 교육 사명에 대한 헌신을 중요하게 생각합니다. 입학 결정은 지원자가 이러한 가치를 공유하고 학교 환경에 긍정적으로 기여할 의지가 있는지 여부를 고려합니다.

2. 종합 평가:

학교는 지원자의 학문적 배경과 이전 경험뿐만 아니라 동기, 성격, 적성, 교육 프로그램을 통해 혜택을 받고 지역 사회의 영적 발전에 기여할 잠재력도 고려할 것입니다.

3. Interview and References:

The School reserves the right to conduct personal interviews and request references from individuals who can provide information about the applicant in terms of their suitability to be part of the school community.

4. Compliance Capacity:

The School will evaluate the applicant's ability to meet the academic, spiritual, and behavioral expectations established by the institution.

5. Space Limit:

Due to space and resource limitations, the School reserves the right to limit the number of students admitted in each admission cycle.

6. Final Decisions:

All admission decisions are final and are made at the discretion of the School. No detailed explanations will be provided for decisions to refuse any admission.

7. Communication of Decisions:

The School will notify applicants about the outcome of their admission application within the established term, if applicable.

8. Responsibility of the Applicant:

Applicants understand and agree that meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee acceptance. The School has the right to refuse admission to any applicant who does not meet the additional criteria established.

9. Policy Changes:

The School reserves the right to modify or update the selective admissions policy at any time, without prior notice

When submitting an application for admission to Global Harvest Theological Institute , applicants acknowledge having read, understood and accepted the terms of this selective admission policy. The School strives to create a cohesive and nurturing educational and spiritual environment, and this policy helps ensure that members of the community are aligned with its values and goals.

Harvest Bible Institute Plagiarism Policy Theological Institute

The Global Harvest Bible Institute Theological Institute (here in after "the School") considers plagiarism as a serious violation of academic and spiritual integrity. Plagiarism contradicts the principles of honesty, respect and responsibility that form the basis of our educational community. All students, faculty, and staff are expected to act with the highest ethics and avoid plagiarism in all its forms. By enrolling in the School, all members of the community accept and agree to comply with the following plagiarism policy:

1. Definition of Plagiarism: El plagio se define como el acto de presentar ideas, palabras, obras o contenidos de otros como propios sin dar el debido crédito a sus autores originales. Esto incluye, pero no se limita a, copiar y pegar, parafrasear sin citar, y presentar trabajos realizados por otras personas como propios.

2. Original Works: All works submitted to the School must be original and reflect the effort and thought of the author. Any use of external sources, whether directly quoted or paraphrased, must be properly cited and referenced. Your work may be reviewed with TURNITIN.

3. Quotations and References: : All sources used in academic papers, essays, projects and other activities must be duly cited and referenced according to the citation format established by the School (for example, APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

4. Intellectual Property: Respect for the intellectual property rights of others is essential. Copyrighted material should not be used without proper permission unless legal fair use requirements are met.

5. Student Responsibility: Each student is responsible for ensuring that their work meets academic integrity standards. Whenever external sources are used, proper attribution must be provided and adhere to established citation guidelines..

6. Consequences for Plagiarism: Plagiarism is considered a serious offense and may result in disciplinary consequences ranging from a reduced grade to suspension or expulsion from School, depending on the severity of the violation..

7. Education and Prevention: The School is committed to educating students on the standards of academic integrity and providing resources to assist in the correct citation and use of sources.

8. Personal Commitment: By enrolling in the School, students, teachers and staff recognize the importance of honesty and originality in their work and agree to respect and comply with the established plagiarism policy.. 

Global Harvest Theological Institute Discipline Policy

The School values honesty and authenticity in the search for knowledge and spiritual formation. This policy seeks to preserve integrity and trust within our educational community, promoting the creation of an environment where achievement is based on honesty and genuine effort.

Causes of Direct Expulsion from Global Harvest Theological Institute

Global Harvest Theological Institute (here in after "the School") is committed to maintaining an educational and spiritual environment of respect, integrity and security. To ensure consistency with these values and the well-being of the community, certain behaviors and situations have been established that may lead to direct expulsion from the School. By enrolling in the School, all members of the community accept and agree to comply with the following standards of conduct:

1. Serious Plagiarism:

Committing serious plagiarism in academic papers or any other form of presenting someone else's work as one's own, even after receiving warnings and education about academic integrity.

2. Illegal Conduct:

Participation in illegal activities, including, but not limited to, the use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs, theft, physical assault, or any other criminal act that negatively affects the school community.

3. Harassment or Intimidation:

Engaging in severe harassing, discriminating, or intimidating behavior that causes emotional or physical harm to other members of the school community.

4. Academic Fraud:

Engagement in any form of academic fraud, including falsifying documents, identity, or grades.

5. Dress Code Violation:

Repeated, serious violations of the dress code, despite warnings and opportunities to conform.

6. Inappropriate and Disruptive Behavior:

Inappropriate and disruptive behavior in the classroom, online, or in any other school setting that negatively disrupts the learning process or spiritual environment.

7. Threats of Violence or Harmful Intent:

Demonstration of credible threats of physical violence or any intent to harm other members of the community.

8. Violation of Intellectual Property:

The systematic violation of intellectual property rights, including the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material.

9. Falsification of Documents:

Presenting false or altered documents for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized admission or benefits.

10. Breach of our weapons policy.

11. Violation of animal policy.

12. Conduct Contrary to the Values of the School:

Any action or behavior that violates the fundamental values and spiritual formation objectives of the School.

The direct expulsion from the School based on these causes will be carried out in accordance with a fair process and with all the pertinent considerations. The School is committed to the well-being and safety of all its members, as well as to maintaining a positive and spiritually nurturing learning environment.

Global Harvest Theological Institute Bible Institute dress and decorum policy

The Global Harvest Bible Institute Theological Institute (here in after "the School") seeks to create an atmosphere of respect, modesty and decorum in its educational environment. The dress code is a visual expression of these values and is expected to be rigorously followed by all students, faculty and staff. The goal is to foster an environment conducive to learning and spiritual growth. By enrolling in the School, all participants agree to respect the following dress code:

1. Appropriate Dress:

Dress for all members of the school community is expected to be appropriate, modest, and respectful. Garments must adequately cover private parts and must not be see-through or revealing.

2. Clothing of a Religious Character:

The use of clothing of a cultural or religious nature is allowed, provided they comply with the principles of modesty and decorum.

3. Length of Skirts and Pants:

Skirts and dresses must be of an appropriate length, reaching at least the top of the knee. Pants must fit properly and not be too tight or revealing.

4. Necklines and Deep Cuts:

Garments must not have plunging necklines or excessive cuts that reveal an excessive amount of skin in the chest area.

5. Tight and Transparent Clothing:

Clothing must not be too tight or see-through, and must not inappropriately emphasize body shapes. Nudity is not allowed on campus

6. Offensive Images and Messages:

The use of clothing with images, symbols or messages that are offensive, vulgar or that contradict Christian values and the objectives of the School is prohibited.

7. Bath and Sport:

In situations such as physical education classes or sports, appropriate and comfortable sportswear is permitted, provided modesty is maintained and unnecessary exposure is avoided.

8. Special Events and Activities :

In special events or activities that require formal or specific dress, participants are expected to dress according to the instructions provided by the School.

9. Mandatory Compliance:

Violation of the dress code may result in disciplinary action, ranging from warnings to temporary suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the School.

10. Modifications and Updates:

Violation of the dress code may result in disciplinary action, ranging from warnings to temporary suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the School.

By agreeing to enroll at Global Harvest Bible Institute, students, faculty, and staff agree to follow the established dress code. Respect and consideration for the values of modesty and decorum are essential for the development of an educational community based on biblical principles.

Global Harvest Gun, Drug and Proselytizing Free Campus Policy Theological Institute

Global Harvest Theological Institute (here in after "the School") is committed to creating a safe, respectful educational and spiritual environment centered on Christian values. In order to maintain the integrity of our community and promote an environment conducive to learning and spiritual formation, the School establishes the following policy regarding weapons, drugs and proselytizing:

1. Gun Free Campus:

The School campus is a space free of weapons. The possession, transport or use of weapons of any kind on School premises, including firearms, knives, bladed weapons and other dangerous devices, is prohibited. Except for those who comply with our "Weapons Possession Policy by Police and Security Personnel, and Students with Permits"

2. Drug Free:

The School maintains a drug-free campus. The use, possession, distribution, or trafficking of illegal drugs or controlled substances on School premises or at School-related events is prohibited.

3. Respectful Proselytizing:

The School encourages respect for the diversity of beliefs and the promotion of Christian values through respectful and non-coercive means. Aggressive or unethical proselytizing that seeks to pressure or manipulate others into changing their religious beliefs is prohibited.

4. Consequences for Violation:

Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, ranging from warnings and education to temporary suspension or expulsion from School, depending on the severity of the violation.

5. Educational and Spiritual Environment:

This policy seeks to preserve a safe and nurturing environment for learning and spiritual growth. All members of the community are expected to respect and abide by these standards.

6. Education and Prevention:

The School is committed to educating, if necessary, community members about the dangers and consequences of weapons and drugs, as well as the importance of respecting the beliefs of others.

​7. Mandatory Compliance:

All students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the campus must abide by and abide by this policy at all times.

The School seeks to maintain a safe environment focused on spiritual and academic growth. This policy is designed to promote safety, harmony, and respect in our community, and all members are expected to contribute to maintaining a campus free of weapons, drugs, and unethical proselytizing

Weapons Possession Policy for Police and Security Personnel, and Students with Permits

Global Harvest Theological Institute (here in after "the School") recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for all members of the educational community. In order to responsibly guarantee safety and comply with legal regulations, the School establishes the following policy regarding the possession and use of weapons on campus:

1. Police and Security Personnel:

Only active police and security personnel, who meet the professional requirements and standards established by the competent authorities, are authorized to carry and use weapons on the School campus. These individuals must be duly accredited and trained in the use of weapons.

2. Students and Teachers with Government and School Permits:

The School will allow the possession and use of weapons by students and teachers only if they meet the legal requirements to carry weapons and obtain the corresponding permits from the competent government. In addition, they must obtain the express approval of the School to carry weapons on campus.

3. Procedures and Regulations:

Students and teachers who have the necessary permits must follow the procedures and regulations established by the School for the possession and use of weapons on campus. These procedures may include prior notification, weapons inspection, secure storage, and compliance with protocols in emergency situations.

4. Individual Responsibility:

Students and faculty who choose to carry weapons on campus are responsible for ensuring their safety and responsible use at all times. They must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

5. Proper Use:

Weapons should only be used in situations of legitimate defense or in compliance with the regulations established by the authorities. The misuse of weapons on campus will result in serious disciplinary action and possible legal consequences.

6. Notification to the School:

Any student or faculty planning to bring a weapon on campus must notify the School in advance, providing proof of government-issued permits and following established notification procedures.

​7. Policy Changes:

The School reserves the right to modify or adjust this policy at any time, based on changes in legal regulation, campus security, or any other relevant factor.

The School prioritizes the safety and well-being of its members, and this policy is established to ensure that the possession and use of weapons on campus are carried out responsibly, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Authorization to carry weapons on campus will be subject to careful evaluation and approval by the School.

Pet Presence and Smoke-Free Campus Policy

Global Harvest Theological Institute (here in after "the School") seeks to maintain a safe, healthy and respectful environment for all members of the educational community. To achieve these objectives and considering various factors, the School establishes the following policy in relation to the presence of pets, guide animals and tobacco ,electronic devices or others like marihuana

1. Presence of Pets:

The presence of pets on the School campus is limited. Pets, companion animals or domestic animals are not allowed on the premises, except in special and pre-authorized situations that are necessary for health or therapeutic reasons, and that have the prior approval of the School.

2. Guide Animals:

Certified and properly identified guide animals that assist people with visual or mobility disabilities are allowed on campus. Service animal owners must comply with applicable requirements and regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of the entire community

3. Smoke Free Campus:

The School campus is a smoke-free environment. Smoking, vaping, or using tobacco products is prohibited in all areas of the campus, including buildings, courtyards, and outdoor areas.

4. Health and Respect Considerations:

This policy is established to protect the health of all members of the community and to ensure a pleasant and respectful environment for learning and spiritual formation.

5. Mandatory Compliance:

All students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the campus must comply with this policy at all times.

6. Education and Prevention:

The School is committed to providing information on the benefits of a smoke-free campus and on considerations related to service animals.

​7. Policy Changes:

The School reserves the right to modify or adjust this policy at any time, based on changing needs and circumstances.

The School values the health, respect and safety of all its members. This policy seeks to guarantee a comfortable and smoke-free environment, as well as regulate the presence of pets and guide animals in a responsible and considerate manner. Cooperation and compliance with this policy are critical to maintaining a harmonious and healthy campus.

 Acceptance of Global Harvest Terms Theological Institute

Enrollment in the School implies unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions. The student acknowledges having read and understood the terms established here before enrolling

By accepting these terms and conditions, both the School and the student agree to respect and comply with the provisions established herein. These terms are prepared with the aim of protecting the interests and integrity of both the School and its students.