
"We invite you to meet our faculty. Each member of our faculty is a master in their field, endowed not only with deep practical, theological, and academic insights, but also with a burning commitment to transformative teaching..

Our faculty, most of whom have master's and doctoral degrees in various theological disciplines, are dedicated to nurturing critical thinking, fostering deep reflection, and guiding our students toward a deeper understanding of Scripture and its application in today's world.

Explore their profiles below and discover the unique stories, contributions, and passions that each of our faculty brings to the educational experience at Global Harvest Theological Institute.

We are confident that by meeting these resolute educators, you will feel a greater connection to our educational community and find inspiration. Their knowledge will enrich your academic journey and give you the opportunity to expand your intellectual and spiritual horizons. Welcome to the transformative educational experience we offer at Global Harvest Theological Institute!"

About us ​

Pr. Mario Alsina, MthS  

Founder, Rector and professor.

Mario is the founder and director of GHTI. He has over 30 years of ministry experience, in different fields including education, church planting, media, etc. 

He holds a master's degree in theological studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as several certifications from universities and seminaries. He is currently studying for his Doctor of Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mario is the author of "Sketches of the Gospel of John."

He resides in Las Vegas Nv. USA with his wife and their two sons James and Charles. Shepherd Life Ministries full of joy and peace.

LinkedIn / alsina@globalharvestonline.com

Pr. Dr. Fernando Argumedo, DMin. 

Academic Director and Professor.

Fernando is the academic director of GHTI. He with over 30 years of experience in education, church planting and pastoral ministry. 

He was an academic at different prestigious institutes and seminars in Guatemala, the United States and Zambia, Africa.

He holds a Doctor of Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary, a Master of Theology from the Seminario Teológico Centroamericano (SETECA) in Guatemala.

He currently resides in Las Vegas, NV. USA. with his wife, Telma. He pastors a multi-ethnic church called Comunidad Cristiana Faro de Luz.

LinkedIn / argumedo@globalharvestonline.com

Pr. Leo Castro, Director of Institutional Relations & Professor of Theology in Bilingual Classes.

Leo is the Director of Institutional Relations for Global Harvest T.I. where he also serves as a professor of theology in English and Spanish.

Academically, he holds a degree in theology and pastoral counseling. He will soon be completing his master’s in theological studies

​As an author I publish the book "Apokalypsis, the best is yet to come."

Dynamic and having founded three churches, Leo has extensive ministerial experience that he applies at the Nevada Baptist Convention where he is director of Hispanic ministries.

Pastorally, he ministers at Eternity Christian Center, the church of which he is the senior pastor and its founder,

Leo and his wife Alvina live in Reno; Nv USA they have two sons Leonard and Jordan.

LinkedIn / leocastro@globalharvestonline.com

Adriana Alsina, Worship Teacher

Adriana is a music teacher and co-founder of G.H.T.I. She has a degree in church music and worship leadership.

She dedicated her time as a missionary and church planter in Las Vegas, NV. USA The Nevada Southern Baptist Association has invited  to play an important role in planting new churches. 

Beyond this, he played an instrumental role in organizing worship groups for other churches and gave inspirational speeches on several occasions.

Being the author of children's books and several Christian songs distinguishes her creative talent. Additionally, she exercises leadership in her oversight role for the "Theology of Worship" chair.

​With a dedication spanning more than three decades, she has actively contributed to worship and church planting ministries. She and her husband Mario, and together with their two children, they call Las Vegas their home.


Carina de la Rosa MD. Academic Advisor on Medical Issues  

As our academic advisor in medical sciences, as well as Biblical medical and biological matters, Dr. Carina brings her expertise to the fore. Focused on diabetes, she is an experienced specialist in this field. In addition, she has fulfilled an important role as a teacher at the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina.

As a doctor and Christian, she is an excellent reference in our research on biblical topics where biology and health issues are discussed.

She currently resides in Barcelona Spain

Academic secretary

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Theology Professor (Korean)

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Theology Professor (Tagalog)

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Theology Professor (English)

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"Learning more, to serve Him better"